Outsourcing Journal

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Home News and eventsEvents Webinar: Cloud Agreements – Industry trends and Legal considerations

The topic focusses on the current Industry trends in the market with customers adoption of more Cloud based IT solutions to run their businesses. The subject also captures the concerns such as IT security, protection of personal data and of business secret related to German Data Protection Act, as well as state of the art contract drafting and this is highly relevant in our region.

Additionally, “Nutzen von Zertifizierungen im Rahmen von TOMs” and „Zertifizierung als Grundlage für Auftragsdatenverarbeitung, Cloud und Big Data” focus on the gap between existing certification standards and the TOM requirements of German (also Austrian and Swiss) law, will also be presented by our experts.


This webinar is organized by IAOP, a partner organization of the German Outsourcing Association.

Date: Dec. 17th, 4:00 to 5:30 pm CET (Central European Time), Webinar dial-in details will be sent once you register

Attend: Please register yourself as an Associate Member with IAOP at no cost or obligation, and confirm for the Webinar. > Go ahead