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Home News and eventsEvents FOSS4G 2023 gathers 1000 guests at Innovation and Training Park Prizren

From 26 June – 2 July 2023 FOSS4G 2023 brings together approximately 1,000 developers, users, decision makers and observers from a variety of organizations and business sectors around the world.

Held for the first time in Kosovo, FOSS4G will be presented through 80 workshops, 200 presentations, discussions and exhibitions. FOSS4G participants must create effective and appropriate geospatial products, standards and protocols. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to learn how to manage their geospatial data using PostgreSQL/PostGIS, get acquainted with GeoServer, learn how to implement GeoSpatial with Python, learn how to set up a data infrastructure Spatial data (SDI) with Open Source Software using OSGeoLive and many other software.

Some of the keynote speakers are recognized experts in the field, such as:

  • Bonny McClain, human geographer and self-proclaimed social anthropologist,
  • Said Turksever, community project manager at Meta and geological engineer,
  • Miriam Gonzalez, co-founder of Geochicas, Marco Bernasocchi, CEO of OPENGIS.ch, an open company – resource lawyer and entrepreneur and comprehensive geoninja,
  • Jan Burdziej, PhD in geography and geospatial at UNICEF’s Frontier Data & Tech unit, and
  • Dr. Lorik Haxhiu, an expert on Kosovo in the field of energy and natural resources.

Speakers will cover a variety of topics, mainly related to the use of geospatial data to optimize relevant resources and shape a better world.

FOSS4G is an annual event organized by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). This year, FOSS4G 2023 is organized by the Kosovar organization FLOSSK, which promotes and develops free and open source software.

FOSS4G2023 is supported by the governments of Kosovo and Germany, implemented by GIZ Kosovo and ITP Prizren.

For more information about the event, visit: 2023.foss4g.org