Outsourcing Journal

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Home Business 56% of participating ITC/BSS companies in Poland use German during services delivery

Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Romania and other CEE countries have a long history in providing business and technology related services to the international and German market. The reasons for that are geographical and cultural proximity, marginally larger German speaking minorities, strong connection to other industries and the good conditions for cross- border business provided by the European Union. The ratio of businesses providing IT and/or process services in German language is in all countries 2nd, shortly behind English. 5), 6), 7), 8), 9)

To learn more about demand and availability of German language taleten in the ICT/BSS industry in Central and Eastern Europe download the free analysis by WorkwideGroup (SE) and German Outsourcing Association (DE): https://workwidegroup.com/publication/german-speaking-talent-across-central-and-eastern-europe-workwide-group-2019-report/


5) The nr. of companies here refers to the nr. of companies that the data were based on in the different reports, named below.
6) Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency: “Business Services Sector in Poland 2016”
7) Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency and Hungarian Service And Outsourcing Association: “Business Services Hungary Report 2018”
8) ABSL Czech Republic ABSL Report Czech Republic 2019, https://www.absl. cz/100-thousand-people-are- now-working-in-the-business- services-sector-in-the-czech-republic-and-centres-are-planning-further-expansion/
9) ABSL Romania: “Outsourcing Industry report 2017” and 2018

Picture: Screenshot, source: TUMO via Linkedin