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Home Business Outsourcing, SSC & GBS in the Financial Services Industry in Germany and Europe

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The financial services industry is an important sector of the German economy and contributes about 4% to the German GDP. Outsourcing and Shared Services have a long history among the large German banks, with large centers of the Deutsche Bank in the Philippines, outsourced services of the Commerzbank in Poland and even smaller operations of mid-market banks in other Eastern-European countries.

Reid Anderson, Managing Director of a specialized consulting firm with offices in Frankfurt, Munich, Zurich, New York, London, Delhi, Hong Kong and Vancouver will give us an update on the status quo, trends, disruptive technologies affecting the industry as well as opportunities for the financial services sector in Germany.

  • Date/time: 04.06.2019, ca. 10:05 Uhr
  • Duration: ca. 25-30 min
  • Relevance: This presentation is relevant for all participant groups.
  • Industry: Finance and Insurance

Tickets and registration at: https://outsourcing-forum.org

About the speaker: Born in the U.S.A, Reid earned his BA in Business Management, with a focus on international economics, from Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland. He started his career at Ernst & Young in Frankfurt specializing in Securities Settlement Processing before moving to Deutsche Bank as an internal consultant for IT and process change initiatives. He joined Trestle Group in 2004 as one of the original founding members. During his 15 years at Trestle Group, Reid has a proven track record in managing complex IT and business process transformation projects. Since 2016 Reid is the German Country Head and Managing Director responsible for growth in the German market. Reid is a passionate blogger in the XING Group Forum he founded in 2004, „Offshore Outsourcing“, a regular contributor to publications on key sourcing and financial services topics and enjoys speaking at events as an SME.[/vc_column_text][vc_cta h2=”Exchange, connect, improve” h4=”Outsourcing & Shared Services Germany Forum 2019″ style=”3d” color=”sky” add_button=”right” btn_title=”EVENT INFO & REGISTRATION” btn_style=”flat” btn_shape=”round” btn_color=”white”]Our annual conference is the only non-commercial and international occasions to get updates on the sourcing trends, market conditions and opportunities in Germany and Europe.[/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]