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Home News and eventsEvents The BSS Forum: Building The Future / Outsourcing Stars Gala 2019

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On January 24th, the Expo Hall in Lodz will host the two most important and largest events opening the year 2019 in the sector of modern business services: The BSS Forum: Building The Future and Outsourcing Stars Gala. The Pro Progressio Foundation is the organiser of both undertakings, while the City of Lodz has become the Strategic Partner of this year’s edition.

The beginning of the year is an excellent opportunity to sum up the achievements and risks faced by the BSS industry in recent months. The 3rd edition of the all-day discussion forum is an answer to a number of questions concerning the challenges of the modern business services sector in the coming year. Experts from the Pro Progressio Foundation have researched the BSS sector over the last 10 months and, through cooperation with international organisations such as IAOP, Emerging Europe Alliance, Deutscher Outsourcing Verband and others, have developed an agenda that responds to actual needs of the industry.

Man, Robot, Process – these are the elements that will accompany three trends during The BSS Forum on 24 January 2019 in Lodz. Wiktor Doktór, CEO of Pro Progressio, underlines: For many months we have been conducting talks with many organisations from Poland and Europe, as well as collecting data and opinions from all over the world, which resulted in working out a scenario of the upcoming Forum. This year we have decided to move away from standard discussion panels and replaced them with a series of “Power Speeches” and an exchange of views along with determining possible scenarios for further development in areas such as Process Excellence, Lean, Employer Branding, sales, brand image on the Internet, application of game theory in business, automation and robotisation. We have listened carefully to many opinions and arguments from around the world and invited eminent experts, including Elias van Herwaarden from Deloitte and Romek Lubaczewski from PwC. Every year, Pro Progressio surprises with the concept and style of conducting the Outsourcing Stars Gala. Each of the five galas so far has been different and I assure you that we will once again surprise you with the form, style and message of this unique event in Lodz.

The subject matter of the event is somehow inscribed in the framework of the largest infrastructure project in Europe at the moment – the Duopolis concept. We are witnessing how a futuristic vision of urbanisation is becoming real, and the distance between Lodz and Warsaw is becoming smaller and smaller.

The Duopolis concept is closely related to the New Centre of Lodz project, which is entering its crucial phase. In the near future, we will offer the market first-class office space in a district distant from the capital’s market by an hour’s drive. The district that will be functionally linked with Warsaw, at the same time offering all the advantages of Lodz, such as slightly lower wages. All this is possible thanks to the most modern railway station in Europe built there. We want to convince investors that the most optimal formula for investing in Central Poland is to rely on two locations at the same time – Warsaw with all its advantages resulting from the status of the capital city, and Lodz – a more off-side city with unique universities. Coming back to the New Centre of Lodz project, with the advent of 2019, Lodz will face a great challenge of commercialising office space on a scale previously unknown to the city. Such objectives require reformulation of the way in which we have attracted investments to the city so far. We have to create something unique; in our opinion such a role can be played by a well-connected metropolitan area of 4 million inhabitants, which will be the economic heart of Central and Eastern Europe. Located at the intersection of transport routes between Western and Eastern Europe, its position will become even stronger after the construction of the largest airport in the CEE region. Duopolis is no longer just an idea, it really is happening! – says Hanna Zdanowska, Mayor of Lodz.

The culmination of the substantive discussions will be the evening Gala, during which the results of the Outsourcing Stars competition will be announced and prestigious statuettes for the most and fastest growing companies in the BSS industry and institutions supporting its environment in 2018 will be awarded. The participation of sector leaders from Poland and abroad give both events an international rank, and the high quality of the content as well as relations established during networking sessions allow to build an increasingly stronger economic potential of our country and thus create optimism in looking at the future of the Polish BSS sector.


Detailed information on The BSS Forum: Building The Future and Outsourcing Stars Gala 2019 can be found available here: www.bssforum.com


Contact for media:

Paulina Woźniak, phone: +48 885 104 501, e-mail: paulina.wozniak@proprogressio.pl

Pro Progressio is an organisation supporting the development of the outsourcing and modern business services sector. It analyses trends and educates the market through its media – OutsourcingPortal.eu and Outsourcing&More magazine, as well as through a number of online platforms, including Best2Invest.org and BSSIndex.com, and the organisation of industry events as part of The BSS Tour Poland series.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]