Outsourcing Journal

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Home News and eventsEvents Annual Conference IT, BPO & SSC in Germany

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Join us and about 100 other managers, practitioners, industry experts and people interested or working in outsourcing and shared services for the 6th Outsourcing & Shared Services Germany Forum 2019 on June 4th in Berlin.

As always this is organised by us, the independent German Outsourcing Association (Deutscher Outsourcing verband e.V.) and the Outsourcing Journal.

Since 2010, we as a completely independent association are working in different capacities with a lot of different people in the industry in Germany and Europe and organize our annual conferences to reflect and communicate, to give space for exchanging on trends, best practices and experiences, and generally contribute to a better, more reliable industry network on a national but also – and for all the reasons that make outsourcing and shared services such successful and much needed business support concepts – on an international level. The international aspect is quite important as we experience that our markets can benefit in a lot of situations from impulses from other markets and of course the general availability of talent and knowledge in technical but also business process areas is often better than in our home market.

  • Date: 04./05. June 2019
  • Place: Quadriga Forum Berlin (Mitte)
  • Tickets: free for users and SSC’S from DACH, others from 490 EUR
  • Discounts: 20% for corporate members
  • Participants: around 100

More information and registration at: www.outsourcing-forum.org

The program is developed in co-operation with people that are deeply embedded in the industry, that work in advisory roles, as managers and operators, legal councils, government, public administration, and others. Therefore the discussions and presentations focus on aspects that are of importance to representatives of end-user organisations or SSC’s, as well as for representatives of technology or business process services providers, active in our markets. Among the topics and presentations are:

  • IT Trends Germany
  • SSC and Sourcing in the financial industry in Germany
  • Successful Vendor Risk Management
  • Driving and managing captive and external service partners – The retained organisation
  • Sourcing strategies for mid-market and large  organisations – lessons learned
  • Digitization and Outsourcing – enabling new business models
  • Future workforce – Massive talent shortage vs. future job profiles in SSC and outsourcing centers around Europe
  • Transformation of organisations to digital business in SSC, client- and provider organisations

[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_gallery interval=”3″ images=”5717,5715,5714,5716,5721,5722,5724″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]The event contributes to our mission to support the further development of our markets for ITO, BPO, SSC’s well as RPA services and solutions. Goal is to provide an unique occasion to exchange information and to support co-operations.

  • Non-commercial, community event format
  • Knowledge and executive networking in focus
  • Only international, non-commercial event in DACH with focus on BPO, ITO and SSC
  • Low participation and partnership fees
  • Great media mix and EU-wide coverage
  • Balanced participants ratio: ca. 40% buyers, 30% provider, 30% consulting and public

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_cta h2=”Exchange, connect, improve” h4=”Outsourcing & Shared Services Germany Forum 2019″ style=”3d” color=”sky” add_button=”right” btn_title=”EVENT INFO & REGISTRATION” btn_style=”flat” btn_shape=”round” btn_color=”white”]Our annual conference is the only non-commercial and international occasions to get updates on the sourcing trends, market conditions and opportunities in Germany and Europe.[/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]