Outsourcing Journal

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Home News and eventsEvents Ambassador of the Philippines in Germany to open ITO&BPO Germany Forum

We would like to provide you with one of the last updates before we meet at our annual event, the ITO&BPO Germany Forum on April 26th at the Microsoft Atrium in Central-Berlin.

If you are attending or if you are planning to, you will find this event a very rare occasion for an unbiased dialog between all market attendees – buyers, service providers, consultants and representatives of government / public administration. Why is that? Simply because its the only non-commercial, independent and international conference for the DACH countries.

An interactive program, great guests, our profound market background, free participation for users, low participation fees for providers and consultants make this literally the best occasion in Germany for the European ITO and BPO industry to meet, learn, exchange, benchmark network and discuss.

Latest update:

We are extremely happy to announce that the event will be opened by the Ambassador of the Philippine Republic in Germany Ms. Melita S. Sta.Maria-Thomeczek

Workshop on the following day in co-operation with ‘Germany Trade and Invest’ “Market Entry & Growth” is booked out

The event is supported by 17 institutional organisations and media from 10 different countries.

We have also this year a great mix of organisations among the attendees, incl. service providers: Capita, Stefanini, Adastra, Bulpros ; buyers like Deutsche Telekom, Verbund AG ; consulting companies like Trestle and CapGemini, public administration like Deputy Mayor of City of Opole in Poland (actually a partner city of Potsdam as I’ve learned recently) as well as the Head of International Affairs of the mayors office of Cluj-Napoca in Romania, the Chief Expert BD Department of the City of Plovdiv, Bulgaria and many more.

There are only a very few tickets left! Go to the event website and register as soon as possible.

If you are in need for IT personell or if you advise in ICT and management or you provide profound high quality ICT and BPO services, there is really no question whether you should join us in Berlin. 

Meet us in Berlin and register here 

Organizer: Deutscher Outsourcing Verband e.V. (German Outsourcing Association)

Contact: Stephan Fricke, +49 331 64747983 or event@outsourcing-verband.org


Picture: Microsoft Atrium, berlin