Outsourcing Journal

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Home News and events Underneath Your Sourcing Success – Latest Outsourcing Journal Special Edition

In this issue of the Outsourcing Journal Special Editions we take a look at all the efforts that lead to a successful co-operation with your external IT or business process partners.

We have asked board members from buyer side about their sourcing experiences and strategies, we go on and hear from sourcing consultants about their advise in transformation and in making your co-operations future-ready. Last but not least we bought you a number of industry experts talking about clients, data protection issues, automation, talent management and implementation of tactics to measure the soft factors of business co-operations.

After all you will get a good round up on what’s happening behind every sourcing successes and how you and your company can ensure to get sourcing of IT and business process services right – first time or not.

Articles (German / English):

  • Transition And Transformation
  • IT-Sourcing Practice bei Flixbus
  • MYTOYS GROUP Experience With Setting-up A TechLab In Madrid
  • Datenschutz: Compliance-Risiko IT-Outsourcing
  • The Convergence Of Customer Service And Digital Marketing
  • Verbesserte Prozesse dank Robotics: So starten Unternehmen in die Prozess-Automatisierung
  • GBS Talent Management: Ensuring a Skilled, Engaged Workforce
  • Future Ready Operations
  • Fünf Erfolgsfaktoren für Geschäftsbeziehungen in ITO/BPO/SSC

The edition (94 pages, PDF) is available for free download here: https://www.outsourcing-verband.org/portfolio/underneath-your-sourcing-success-download/ (login or free registration required)