Outsourcing Journal

Independent ICT service business insights since 2010

Home News and eventsICT services business news Share your Knowledge – Call for Articles Outsourcing Journal

Unique concept!

All our publications have a strong non-commercial focus. We provide mostly neutral information, such as market insights, industry trends and issues, best practices, business models, destinations, initiatives and events to support professionals on both sides: user/buyer and provider with usefull and practical information for their decisions in working with external partners in IT and business process outsourcing projects.

PR works!

Not only in the DACH markets public relations and content marketing are strong tools to gain recognition for your expertise and brand. In addition our authors and partners contribute with their shared knowledge and presentation actively to the development of the DACH markets for ITO and BPO services.

The Outsourcing Journal provides a unique platform for consultants and experienced vendors to share information and expereinces with those looking to either improve their own operations or to start using external IT and business process services.

All info you’ll need!

The Call for Articles contains all information to evaluate to opportunities to publish or to present, incl.:
• Background information on the Outsourcing Journal and other publications of the German Outsourcing Association
• Submission requieremnents for authors
• Editorial callendar 2015
• Information for presenting expertise and commercial services/solutions (incl. conditions)
• Information on distribution and reach

Please order the Call for Articles by sending a short email to: info@localhost

We are looking forward working with you!

Thank you,
best regards
Editorial Office