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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We have seen significant development in communication and marketing quality as well as in the output from services provider side in the last two years. Today we have invited Boriana Dimitrova, Content Marketing Manager at TELUS International Europe, to talk about their new marketing and communication initiative, the “Customers First” Magazine. TELUS International Europe is a global business process outsourcing company with more than 3.000 employees in Europe and part of the TELUS International family with more than 22.000 employees worldwide.

Telus_customer_frist_mag_cover_800x1035OJ: Boriana you have recently released the first issue of TELUS International’s “Customers First” magazine. We find it a great tool to improve the relationships with clients. Can you tell me a little bit about the background of this idea and how it was developed?

BD: In our effort to further differentiate TELUS International in the global Business Process Outsourcing and Information Technology Outsourcing markets, we created the Customers First magazine to strengthen our position of a trusted advisor to our clients and of thought leader in the industry.

What started as an idea in our local marketing department in Europe, became a collaborative global marketing team effort to bring value-add, thought leadership content to our clients, team members and prospects. With the magazine we aim to provide useful, timely, and progressive content that helps people to do their jobs better.

This magazine is devoted to showcasing a few of the ways in which focus – on strategy and innovation – can benefit the customer. That’s why it’s called “Customers First” – because in our business, putting customers first drives everything we do.

OJ: Give us a sneak preview of what people can read about in the premier issue.

BD: The premier issue of the magazine offers best practices and trends from across the contact center, customer experience and BPO industries. You can read about:

  • The Culture Value Chain – a proven equation that demonstrates time and time again that high employee engagement has a direct impact on top-line growth.
  • Four disruptive trends that will reshape customer service.
  • Lean Six Sigma best practices and is it possible to have 99.99966% good customer service.
  • How Microsoft is staying ahead of customer “mega-trends”?
  • What makes Romania an excellent outsourcing destination?

And more.

OJ: How do you promote the magazine and how do you think this will influence your client relations on one hand and marketing results on the other hand?

BD: The magazine is available online in digital viewing and in print with a small circulation for internal distribution. People can find it on our company page on issuu.com and on our websites telusinternational.com and teluinternational-europe.com. To reach our target audience, including clients, prospects, internal team members and our social media followers, we did an extensive and varied promotional campaign – from blog posts, email blasts and LinkedIn campaigns to a video teaser specially created for the launch.

This magazine is not only an additional channel for outbound communication with our clients but also it’s designed to positively influence relationships with them by further strengthening our image of trusted advisor and expert in customer management. In terms of marketing results, showcasing our content, as well as our partner’s content, boosts brand awareness as a thought leader in the industry. Including third-party content also increased engagement among our current customers, prospects and other stakeholders.

CustomersFirst_Blog_800by600 option2OJ: How do you rate a customer magazine like this within the mid-/long term client engagement and marketing tools?

BD: Our Customers First magazine is an investment in the long-term. By delivering valuable content free of promotional messages, we help people solve real problems by educating and informing them. This then has the potential to turn from a nurturing tool to a customer conversion and retention tool. From a marketing perspective it helps in building a community of readers and brand ambassadors.

Cutting through the marketing clutter has never been so challenging as today. Companies are trying various ways to get their message through and reach their target audience. For us, Customers First magazine brings added value to our audience and builds a community over time. On issuu.com alone, we have almost 2,000 readers in less than a month after launch.

Thank you for the interview Boriana!


If you are a user of customer experiences services, such as call center and other communication services or a provider of any business process or even IT services, have a look at the magazine’s first issue here: https://issuu.com/telusinternationaleurope/docs/ti-customersfirstmagazine-y01i01_is

The interview was done by Outsourcing Journal (OJ) in June 2016.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]