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Home News and eventsEvents Event recommendation: Poland

On January 23rd, 2020 in City of Poznan, our long term partner association in Poland, the Pro Progressio Foundation will organise its 3rd edition of The BSS Forum and already the 7th edition of The Outsourcing Stars Gala – a truly spectacular business event for Outsourcing and Shared Services Industry in Europe.

Stephan Fricke, CEO of Deutscher Outsourcing Verband e.V. (German Outsourcing Association r.s.), will be in the group of international speakers at the BSS Forum. He say’s “Poland has managed to established a prime position among the sourcing destinations due to the availability of extremely well educated and large workforce and the ambition to provide world-class services in the IT- and business process services industry. We see it as a necessity for any sourcing consultant and vendor manager in Germany to at least visit Poland once a year and maintain a reliable network to the Polish business services industry, even if its only for knowing the standard when evaluating conditions on other markets”

This time the main theme of both Forum and Gala is “Focus on Sources”.

Pro Progressio foundation, that is also acting as the representative of our association in Poland provides a special discount for our members and readers for both the Forum and the Gala. The discount code is 09638faefc. More information and registration to Forum and Gala is available at https://bssforum.com/

Let’s meet in Poznan on January 23rd.

We highly recommend the BSS forum and the Outsourcing Stars Gala to anyone who is interested or active on the Polish market for IT-, business process and shared services.