Outsourcing Journal

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Home Business Digitization and Outsourcing – enabling new business models

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]One of the most interesting best practices at this year’s “Outsourcing & Shared Services Germany Forum’s” is a presentation that shows how working with external technology specialists can enable new, digital business models, also in very traditional industries. The presentation will be held by Dr. Claudia Lang, CEO and Co-founder of Community Life GmbH – an insurance company with a digital business model in Germany.

The DFY (Done For You) thinking that replaced DIY in home renovations has also arrived in the world of life insurance.  In the US and UK, insurers define themselves as managers of risk and capital rather than policy administrators or insurance software houses.  They leave it to others to deliver „state of the art“ for those parts of the value chain. That thinking is showing signs of gaining traction in other markets.

  • Date/time: 04.06.2019, ca. 14:30 Uhr
  • Duration: ca. 25-30 min
  • Relevance: This presentation is relevant for all participant groups.
  • Industry: Finance and insurance

Tickets and registration via: https://outsourcing-forum.org

About the speaker: Claudia Lang is one of the founders and CEO of Community Life, a new solution for life insurance – a fully digital and highly automated sales and administration platform for insurers.

Claudia was a Canadian securities lawyer before moving to Europe and taking on business development roles at board level in the European life insurance market, most recently as board member of Canada Life Europe. She was also Chair of the Association of International Life Offices, representing the interests of the international life insurance industry. She also regularly publishes in the German insurance press.[/vc_column_text][vc_cta h2=”Exchange, connect, improve” h4=”Outsourcing & Shared Services Germany Forum 2019″ style=”3d” color=”sky” add_button=”right” btn_title=”EVENT INFO & REGISTRATION” btn_style=”flat” btn_shape=”round” btn_color=”white”]Our annual conference is the only non-commercial and international occasions to get updates on the sourcing trends, market conditions and opportunities in Germany and Europe.[/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]