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Home Business 2017 IT Agenda Germany – Survey Results

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Digital transformation of the economy has brought serious changes to surrounding conditions which are leaving a mark on IT organisations: For many years, the IT managers‘ agenda has been driven by cost pressure – this topic is gradually shifting into the background. In return, the demand of new IT solutions, especially in the context of digitalisation, is increasing. IT managers must take these changes into account.

Digital Leadership

The result of a survey which Maturity ran shows digitalisation is still the dominant topic on the IT agenda for most organisations. Digital transformation was even able to extend its top position when compared to the previous year; in our recent consortium benchmark among European companies, 63 per cent of the respondents were already implementing concrete digitalisation projects. On top of this, one in every four companies said they had completed such projects. However, it continues to be a young discipline. Market researchers and business consultants are trying to put emphasis on the interpretation of the topic, while IT departments and business units are equally using digitalisation to drive new projects.

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