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Home News and eventsICT services business news Outsourcing&More (Poland) – July/August 2015 Issue

A completely new Outsourcing&More. The Outsouricng&More magazine went through significant changes and the editors decided to, after many suggestions from the readers and partners as well as after internal considerations, to introduce several completely new elements in the magazine

The first change is the introduction of a new publication, Best2Invest. Best2Invest is an inseparable part of Outsourcing&More, in which the editors share information on subjects related to the best locations for the development of both Polish and foreign investments. Described are the best locations for the outsourcing sector, shared service centres, as well as for the IT sector, modern technologies, research and development centres, and many others.

The current issue covers the subject of Special Economic Zones and includes information from the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency and data from the Best2Invest platform, which is analysing and providing on a regular basis macro and microeconomic information related to Poland.
The main publication, Outsourcing&More, received a makeover and currently looks more modern and responds to the needs of our various readers, also including those from generation Y, a description, requested from the experts at Kelly Services. The editors also begin to touch highly advanced subjects related to shared services, a good example of which is the CBRE publication.

The subjects that the readers find to be continuing are the column of Mariusz Wiśniewski regarding issues from the Real Estate market and the legal advice column written by the Law Firm Chudzik i Wspólnicy.

An inseparable element is also the given issue’s interview – this time with Sławomir Wontrucki, the President of LeasePlan Fleet Management.

Download this issue pdf, free) here: http://www.outsourcingandmore.pl/en/

Editor in Chief Outsourcing&More Magazin: Dymitr Doktór