Outsourcing Journal

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Home Markets and locationsEurope Introduction of Georgia’s opportunities in BPO sector to German companies

Representatives of state agency Enterprise Georgia with the Deputy Director Mr. Tornike Sulaberidze are visiting Germany between 8-11th of October 2018. Enterprise Georgia is a state authority, operating under the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and represents one-stop-shop for foreign investors. Representatives of Enterprise Georgia plan to meet with business decision makers of German BPO/SSC companies to introduce Georgia, as a promising location for outsourcing, and a hub for export of services.

Opportunities in Georgia

Georgia has undergone a significant transformation throughout the last decade, rapidly moving towards a more liberal, free market economy with one of the lowest rates of corruption and bureaucracy in the world (9th in Ease of Doing Business Rank 2018, World Bank). Georgia has signed the Association Agreement with the European Union in 2014, which further ensures the stability of the political and investment climate of our country.

Georgia offers attractive opportunities in BPO/SSC sector, such as:

  • Strategic location – on the crossroads of Europe and Asia (GMT+4), Georgia is uniquely positioned to serve any country from Europe to Central Asia.

  • Educated talent pool – literacy rate of 99.8 % and 92% of the population with at least secondary education. 75 higher education institutions and 125 professional education centers provide high-quality professionals every year.  The vast majority of the younger population has advanced or intermediate knowledge of English and Russian. German is the third most frequently spoken foreign language.

  • Competitive salary – Georgia has one of the lowest average gross salaries among competitor countries, with 380 USD in the BPO sector. Personal Income Tax is flat and amounts only 20%.

  • Affordability of infrastructure, low utility costs: High-speed broadband and mobile internet are available throughout the whole country. Utility costs are one of the lowest in the wide region, approximately 2.5 USD per sq. m. High-class office spaces are available in all major cities of Georgia with competitive rent prices.

  • Emerging destination for BPO-established investor companies in Georgia includes Arvato Bertelsmann (Germany) and Base4 (USA) among others.

Reserve a meeting with Delegation members

Delegation members will be in Frankfurt on the 8-9th of October and afterward, plan to visit Berlin.

Contact person regarding meeting arrangements:

Ms. Natia Parekhelashvili
E-mail: nparekhelashvili@enteprise.gov.ge;
Mobile: +995 598 462 685.

This visit is supported by Deutscher Outsourcing Verband e.V.