Outsourcing Journal

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Home Business Acceptance of Outsourcing in Germany is growing significantly

We always search for research papers and analyses covering the ITO and BPO market in Germany and Europe. Recently we came across the “Sourcing Pulse Check 2015” which is an annually performed analysis primarily of the outsourcing market in Germany, undertaken by one of the more progressive sourcing consultancies in Germany – Ardour Consulting.

Our own observations have let us to the conclusion that the acceptance of outsourcing in Germany is noticeably increasing, which is confirmed by the results of the Sourcing Pulse Check:

“While the group of participants that is against outsourcing stays put with about 20%, the group of people that support/use/want to use outsourcing has been increasing significantly from 49% to 61%.”


The study also questions why this is the case and refers to the tightened lack of skilled personnel and the fact that companies fear that up to 30% of their workforce will simply retire in 3-5 years.

Other notable findings of the study are:

  • The level of satisfaction with service providers is growing
  • 51% of the contracts are extended and 35% are negotiated newly, due to technological changes
  • While the acceptance is growing we only see a slim growth in new contracts of 2%
  • Shorter duration contracts with 2-3 years are growing, while longer duration contracts with 4-5 years are decreasing
  • 64% say “Yes” to multi vendor sourcing.

There are many more findings in the study and we suggest you simply order a copy of the study at: kontakt@ardour.de


About Ardour Consulting: “We position ourselves as management consultant for IT. We advise IT managers and all managers responsible for IT one way or the other in strategic, organizational and economic decisions in IT management. Our consulting focus is IT sourcing advisory. Unlike other sourcing advisors we can do more, e.g.: We develop business-driven IT strategies and optimize IT management models in the project portfolio management (PPM), Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) or (Multi-)Vendor Management (MVM).” More at: www.ardour.de



Author: Stephan Fricke, Outsourcing Verband, Outsourcing Journal
Header picture: unsplash/tumblr
Graphic: Ardour Pulse Check 2015