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Home Markets and locationsEurope Valeo Interbranch Automotive Software – Case Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Automotive Software (VIAS) „Valeo Egypt”, was Established in September 2005 as a subsidiary of Valeo Group, to be a unique R&D center focusing on the design, development & maintenance of embedded software modules & systems for the Automotive.

Valeo Group is an automotive tier one supplier, partner to all automakers worldwide. As a technology company, Valeo proposes innovative products and systems that contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and to the development of intuitive driving.

In 2015, the Group generated sales of €14.5 billion euros and invested over 10% of its original equipment sales in research and development. Valeo has 134 production sites, 17 Research centers, 35 Development centers and 15 distribution platforms, and employs 82,500 people in 30 countries throughout the world.

Starting operations in Egypt was considered easy. Valeo received support from ITIDA as the FDI arm of MCIT. Main support includes newly hires training support, telecommunications special tariffs, office space support and help in removing in solving many logistical obstacles when it comes to other governmental entities as NTRA for special R&D equipment import.

VIAS is based in Cairo since establishment. Cairo as the center of the IT sector in Egypt which has a higher quality of infrastructure, close to the main universities and availability and easy access to other supportive services. In addition to, skilled pool of qualified engineers, competitive operation cost, location proximity and time zone considered to Europe, fluency in English language and other European languages. VIAS started with a working force of 25 engineers in 2005 and reaching +1100 as of December 2016.

A clear fast continues growth by adding +250 Eng each year during last 3 years. Resulted in R&D export hours of +1,400,000 hours in 2016 and more than 1,700,000 hours planned in 2017. A addition 500 engineers hiring is planned for the years 2017 and 2018.

During the early stage VIAS’ main service was system validation with a less focus on full software development. Currently VIAS has the opposite, the full software services represents the major production part without losing our validation share of wallet percentage. Also VIAS is currently part of many business groups/product groups innovation team through participation in the new product development cycle; contribute to the research of new technologies and involvement in concept development and research of new algorithms. As of today Valeo Egypt evolved to be Valeo’s main software R&D center.

VIAS serves the four main business groups of Valeo including comfort and driving
assistant, Powertrain systems, thermal and visibility. All our services are in the field of automotive embedded software. Valeo Egypt is serving multi-site locations including and not limited to France, Germany, United States, China and Ireland. During the last four Years Valeo Egypt has contributed to the R&D and the production of key innovative new technological products, as Park4U, Stop/Start, LED/Laser beam and Autonomous driving are among many others.

This article was published in the Egypt Outsourcing Destination Guide. For more interesting articles about the Egyptian IT, BPO, SSC market, download the guide here:


[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Download (free)” color=”primary” size=”sm” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.outsourcing-verband.org%2Fdownloads%2Fdestination-guide-egypt-download%2F|||”][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”4899″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]About the author: Motaz Al-Agamawi is a technology professional with more than thirteen years of combined experience as a professional executive and commercialization expert. As of today, Motaz is leading the innovation department at Valeo Egypt based on his capacity as Innovation Senior Manager since 2015. Before that, Motaz was leading the engineering support department at Valeo Egypt since 2013. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] During his experience, Motaz carried out different managerial roles in Egypt and abroad. In 2010, he founded his startup working in the field of online social media monitoring which has been acquired two years later by one of the leading enterprises in the field. From 2006 to 2011, Motaz was the Business Development senior manager and board member in Information Systems Internal Services. During this period Motaz was able to close deals and commercial technologies with several fortune five hundred companies.

Motaz has conducted several undergraduate and professional training courses focusing on entrepreneurship, innovation and management of technology. He has also mentored several startups and many of them has succeeded to close venture deals and won international entrepreneurship awards including the 1st and 2nd place winner of I2P
competition for three consecutive years. Motaz was an active consultant for several innovation and entrepreneurship projects and activities including NU100, Nile University and plugandplaytech center Egypt.

Motaz is holding a B.Sc. in Computer Science and working on his M.Sc. in Management of Technology thesis. A certified Scrum Master and KPI Professional Designer. He is also a member of the international institute of business analysis and the product development management association.

